Women in Wine: Melanie Wilkerson, FOLKTABLE


Our second Women in Wine superstar is Melanie Wilkerson, Chef de Cuisine at FolkTable, a new culinary hotspot here in Sonoma, and one of our fave places to go for a selection of comfort food delishes. Melanie oversees the seasonal menu that includes Sonoma Hot-Fried Chicken Goujons, Drawn Butter Dungeness Crab Rolls, and Truffle Lemon Chicken Hand Pies… wow!

We are thrilled that Melanie came by to share with us a sneak peek into her life as a woman working and thriving in wine country.

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What is a typical day like for you?

I break my day up into three segments. The first part of my day, I set intentions. What I would like to accomplish and how I'm going to make it happen?

The second part of my day is about execution. Am I following my plan, and how or do I need to be flexible to achieve the day’s goal?

The last part of my day is, what did I learn? Did I make my team better today? And always leave on a positive note.


What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

My family. They are all business owners and entrepreneurs. Being able to see what meaningful hard work looks like gives you a bar to rise to.

How do you personally define business success? Is it money? Freedom? Influence? Creative expression and innovation? Something else?

For me success is, did I give all I had today? If I can answer yes, it was a successful day. Success sometimes happens when you don't see it. When you have inspired someone or given them joy, that is what success means to me.

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What is a daily ritual you live by?

Morning prayer and meditation gives me the grounding and centering I need to being open to the great possibilities during the day.

What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated?

Research and reading. Whether it’s a cookbook or reading for pleasure, there will always be a picture, ingredient, or phrase that inspires creativity.


Why food?

Spending the summers with my grandmother in North Carolina got me started in food. She grew up on a farm. When she moved to the city she always had a garden. That was where I learned life lessons. Being with her, listening to stories, and understanding food is currency, food is a celebration, and what keeps us connected to the rest of the world.

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What are you most excited about at work right now? What keeps you up at night?

The creative process. Being able to start with a small concept and see it all the way through to the guest experience.


What are some highlights OF this journey?

One of the greatest highlights for me so far was being in the UK. During culinary school, I did an externship in Wales and it gave me the confidence to keep going. Also being able to work with great chefs. Such as Chef Casey Thompson and Chef  Nyesha Arrington.



Being mindful of the place you hold in the larger system. Making sure you are contributing in a way that is sustainable on a global level. I strive to watch the amount of waste that is put back into the ecosystem.

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What’s the best advice you ever received?

Be my full self.


What are you most proud of? 

That I kept my dream alive of becoming a chef. That the long days, nights, and sacrifices have all been worth it.


Agreed, Melanie!

Follow Melanie’s Instagram and FolkTable for more drool-worthy food moments!