Working with Fletcher Rhodes: Getting to Know You (Phase 1)


I thought it would be fun to share every so often what’s happening in my little world of business ownership — who we’re working with, what we’re working on, what’s working (or not), and how we make it all work.

Being a mom and small business owner, I often get wrapped up in my daily and weekly to-do’s to ensure a smooth sailing ship all around. But the reality is that we often have to also take a step back and look at the bigger picture to be more forward-thinking about the direction we’re headed. January and February here at Fletcher Rhodes we spent a lot of time reviewing and updating our internal processes and services — the biggest backend changes being the integration of a whole new design management software, and hiring a new in-house bookkeeper and a new project assistant (hallelujah!). Quite honestly, it feels like I started a whole new business this past month but if there is any time like the present to do a little house cleaning, it’s NOW.

In terms of our outward-facing services, we feel extremely fortunate that we’ve been flooded with new client inquiries for awhile now — which also means for us, it’s time to get super efficient with our inquiry and on-boarding process to make it easier for everyone. In addition to some major website updates in the works (to be shared soon, can’t wait!), we’re launching new automated client intake forms and a new Fletcher Rhodes Services Guide. In this guide, we lay out the four phases of working with us.

Today we’ll start with the first phase of our approach: THE GET TO KNOW YOU PHASE. Exploration time, where there are no bad questions, only learning about you and your project and what working with us looks like….

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Phase I
Time to Get to Know You

This stage includes in-person meetings, site visits, phone calls, emails, plus sharing inspiration images with each other. During programming, we also look at the architecture of your home in pictures, site visits and reviewing construction documents.

In order to refine the scope of the project we ask a lot of questions: How does your family play together? What size dinner parties will you host in your new great room? What kitchen appliances do you need?

Knowing you well helps us unleash our design genius and begin creating a beautiful space for you. To some degree we may push your limits and show you ideas, colors, furnishings, and design options you couldn’t imagine on your own.

Embarking on an interior design project is not just about a pretty space; it’s about personal growth and transformation; it’s about living a joy-filled life, in an environment that supports the best in you and your tribe.

Over a decade of experience helps us know when to push and when to pull back, so feel at ease that we have your best interests in mind and trust that our process and aesthetic will result in the home of your dreams.


Next time we’ll deep dive into Phase II: The Design Phase!